Maternity Photography
"Mummy, can you feel me, I'm wriggling for you. I can hear you say you love me. Mum, I love you too.
Very soon you'll meet me, and kiss my little face. And I will feel your warm skin, and admire you for your grace.
Mummy, are you ready, my life is just about to start. I will hold your little finger, but you will hold my heart."
Congratulations on your pregnancy! Whether you’ve just found out that a little one is on the way, or if you’re already starting to show, now is a great time to begin planning for maternity photography. Now, if you’re anticipating feeling a bit “large” and un-glamorous, you wouldn’t be the first! But it only takes an hour of your time, and in that hour, we can build your legacy, because maternity photography isn't just for you…rather, your maternity portraits are for your future generations to enjoy and marvel over the miracle of life.
Flip through our Art of Portraiture Guide!
"In additional to her natural artistic sense, Irene's process also involves a strong empathic approach in which she gets the know her subjects before planning the photo shoot in order to get shots that can tell candid and authentic stories."

Feel overwhelmed with joy every time you glance at the maternity portraits on your walls.
Share Your Joy with Pregnancy Announcement Photos
Searching for baby announcement ideas? Pregnancy announcement photos are a creative and unique way to share the big news with friends and family. Whereas maternity photography is typically done later in your pregnancy when your belly is showing, pregnancy announcement photos are more like a baby-themed couple's portrait photography session.
The Best Time for Maternity Photography
In our experience, maternity photography is best done from weeks 28-34 of your pregnancy, when your belly is showing, yet isn’t making it too difficult for you to get into different positions. But don’t wait until then to call us! Rather than rushing through the process because there’s no time left, let’s start planning now so that we can make your maternity photography the best it can be, and so that you can enjoy the photography process!
Revel in delight in each and every maternity portrait we create for you.
Also, while you might be thinking of waiting to finish your maternity photography or even waiting for Baby to arrive before you start thinking about newborn photography, there’s an even smaller window to capture those classic sleeping baby photos, so now is also the time to ask us about newborn photography!
Ask Us About Baby Photography Plans:
Our baby photography plans are perfect for documenting each milestone of your parental journey from maternity & newborn photography to your child's first birthday.