Smash Cake & Smash Paint Photography
"A little crazy and a lot of fun, man, it's good to be 1.
A lot of fun and so cute too, man, it's good to be 2."
Cake Smash Photography

Enjoy the video below with more images from the cake smash portion of Noemi's baby photography plan session. While Noemi's 1-year session took place at 14 months instead of 12 months, it's never too late for smash cake photos! Noemi's mom and dad wanted an outdoor family photography session, and we reserved the last 15 minutes for the smash cake. Even mom & dad took part in the cake smash. This was the fourth time we'd photographed this awesome family, and it has been so amazing watching them grow!
For a Q&A on smash cake photography and smash paint photography, just head to the bottom of this page.
Little Artist Paint Smash Photography
What? Your child doesn't like to get messy with food? You tried a cake smash before and your child wasn't interested? It's not his/her birthday? How about a signature "Little Artist Paint Smash" photography session instead? ...Because what child doesn't like to make a mess with paints and crayon and marker? Still no? How about a spaghetti smash? A watermelon smash? Let's get creative!
After Mr. Silver-Haired Cutie's 18-month family photography & paint smash session (paint smash video below), his mom commented on how much fun he had. Just imagine... no need to bribe your kids for a paint smash photography session!
Q&A on Smash Paint & Smash Cake Photography
Time flies, and with the passing of each year, the memories of the past grow ever more precious. By the time your children have grown, married, and have families of their own, the memories of their childhood have suddenly become absolutely priceless.