For those of us women who have anxiety about getting older, there’s good news. According to the beautiful Julie Collier pictured here, the 20s and anything younger was harder. The 50s is when you really start being more comfortable with yourself. It means you can go back to your core. You know yourself in a deeper way than ever. The 50 Over 50 & Fabulous project helps women discover that we only get better with age.
Check out the video above, as Julie shows off the photographs & art products from her 50 Over 50 & Fabulous beauty photography session!
Here are some other excerpts from Julie's 3rd 50 Over 50 & Fabulous beauty photography interview!
IRENE (the Beauty Photographer):
What is the one piece of advice that you would give to your 20 somethings?
I think I lived my advice, which was pretty much just be yourself and stay (true) to your core. That’s the comforting thing about being older, if you've been able to go back to your core. I think some of us do regret, but I don't regret. I made decisions that weren't great, but I don't regret where those decisions took me.
IRENE (the Glamour Photographer):
When in your life do you think that you felt the most confident?
Most of my confidence comes when (as a physical therapist), I see somebody else, especially in health care, improve, and improve what they're able to do. When I'm confident with my skills is when I see somebody actually improving their ability and their life because they're more functional. I always feel that those are some of the most confident moments I have.
IRENE (the Beauty Photographer):
So your confidence is very tied to your work and your success of that work.
And my son’s successes. You have kids where you’ve gotten confidence in molding them subtly. That was my confidence too.
IRENE (the Glamour Photographer):
Oftentimes when I ask this question, people answer it more in terms of confidence in their appearance. It's very interesting that you don't think of it that way at all.
Yeah it isn’t about that. In some ways being in healthcare, we can't dress up, we don't have the suits or the outfits because you're basically on the ground and doing exercises. And so how you look within your setting is not as important for confidence.
IRENE (the Beauty Photographer):
Do you have a bucket list? What's your favorite thing that you've crossed off of it? And what do you have left on it that you're really looking forward to?
The bucket list I started was when I turned 50. I got into rock climbing, got back into biking. I did two metric centuries, which are 66 miles. One of the 50 mile bike routes was pretty hilly. I actually did all the hills on the bucket list to complete it. I turned 60 this year. So I might be thinking of other bucket lists.
IRENE (the Glamour Photographer):
What do you want other younger women to know about being 50 plus?
Personally, I think the 20s and anything younger was harder. So to be honest with you, I think the 50s is when you really start being more comfortable with yourself. You're not so frazzled about trying to figure stuff out. There's some comfort that you know some things and there's no question that you're calmer in responding to stuff. I was terrible when I was younger: hyper and over vigilant.